Our second partner meeting was planned to take place in June in London, hosted by our colleagues at University College London. As every event at the time, our meeting also had to be cancelled due to the Covid19 situation and the travel restrictions. We had some doubts whether such a long meeting could be organized and carried out effectively virtually, but by the end of June we all had plenty of practice behind us and were prepared for the concentrated work in plenary and group sessions in online meeting and breakout rooms.

Second transnational partner meeting – Online instead of in London
On the first day of the meeting, the 29th June 2020, our main focus was the evaluation of the draft instruction booklet of Output 1, the 3-pillar integrated pedagogical framework. Our colleagues from Politecnico di Milano presented us with a much advanced and greatly designed new version. We collected comments and suggestions and worked in teams on further improvements. We discussed the possible involvement of associate partners in finalizing the booklet, as well as ideas for its publication. In spite of the challenges the Corona lockdown meant for the project we were happy to establish that we would be able to complete the booklet on time.
The meeting was also an important update on project management issues and a starting point to consider the next steps and activities ahead of us, such as Intellectual Output 3 – the Manual for the integrated digital learning platform – starting in October or the first Learning/Training activities taking place in the summer of 2021.
We convened for the second day of the meeting on the 3rd July. This time we concentrated on the progress and development of the second Output, the Design of an integrated e-learning platform for European Industrial Engineers. The team discussed in groups how we could evaluate the motivation and learning outcome levels of the students as well as the integration options of IO1 and IO2 and the three pillars of MOOCs, the game and student learning forums.
The monitoring results of the activities and the performance of the first 10 months of the project were also on the agenda. We considered challenges we had to face and solutions to them, possible improvements on work distribution, as well as future challenges such as ethical procedures at our institutions concerning data protection.

First transnational meeting in Berlin
The INSYSTED partnership held its Kick-off meeting on the 12-13th November 2019 at the Berlin University of Technology. During the two-day meeting the partners agreed on the implementation structures of the project and discussed the first steps of working together on the project outputs, concentrating on the outputs “3 pillars’ Integrated Pedagogical framework” and “Design of an integrated e-learning platform for European Industrial Engineers”.