INtegrated SYStem for European Digital learning

Erasmus+ Key Action 2
Project number: 2019-1-DE01-KA203-005038
Project period: 09.2019-08.2022
INSYSTED seeks to promote virtual mobility and digital learning in the Industrial Engineering and Production and Operational Management degree programs.
This strategic partnership of the A4Tech universities funded by the Erasmus+ programme aims to unleash the potential of the integrated use of MOOCs, serious games and learning communities in a blended learning setting with a high grade of modularity to support internationalisation in terms of virtual mobility and international curricula along with developing soft and digital skills.
INSYSTED involves Alliance4Tech universities: Technische Universität Berlin (coordinator), CentraleSupélec Paris, Politecnico di Milano and UCL University College London.
Link to the INSYSTED Pedagogical Framework – Instructional Booklet
Link to the INSYSTED Integrated e-learning platform
Link to the INSYSTED Manual for the integrated toolbox
Link to the INSYSTED Webinars for the integrated toolbox
Link to the INSYSTED Information Brochure
Link to the Erasmus+ Project Card of the INSYSTED project

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